English version
English version under construction
Welcome on our website. The english version is still under construction. You can read here the profile of our office. For more information and projects you can use the dutch website by selecting the left menu. The main menu is organised around Projects, Office, Media and Contact. The projects can be organised by type of location and type of project. The items for the locations are Inner city (Binnenstad), Center area (Centrumgebied), City quarter (Stadswijk), Garden city (Tuindorp), Post-war districts (Wederopbouwwijk) and New Towns (Nieuwe stad). The items for the projects are New buildings (Nieuwbouw), Renovation and re-use (Renovatie en hergebruik), Urban plan (Stedenbouw), Stategy and vision (Strategie en visie) and Studies (Studies).
Working together on the city
De Nijl Architecten is a Dutch design firm that works together with its partners to improve and renew the existing city.
De Nijl Architecten loves the city and its many different places and ways of living. A city’s vitality often depends on refurbishing, altering or renovating buildings, locations or whole districts. This is what we enjoy doing and what we do best – from strategic planning to onsite implementation.
De Nijl Architecten takes its cue from the existing city. We use the social and spatial qualities of the situation as we find it – but we also take account of today’s new programmes and look carefully at how the project fits into the broader urban context. We create (or recreate) readily identifiable places with close links to their surroundings.
De Nijl Architecten’s projects are a blend of architecture, urban planning and research. We know exactly when and how to involve other disciplines. Funding and local consensus are self-evident aspects of our work. All this enables us to play a connecting role in the complex world of urban renewal, and is reflected in the broad range of services we offer: new housing, renovation and reuse of existing structures, urban plans, studies, strategies and supervision.
De Nijl Architecten aims to design high-quality projects in cooperation with its partners. We have ample experience with many different planning processes,
and an eye for the various interests involved. Working closely with the client, we make sure everyone has a clear idea of the project in all its facets. Convincing proposals, cogent arguments and a transparent, conscientious approach complete the picture.